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Showing posts from May, 2020

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric ! 20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric  : Today we are going to give you the information about 20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric which are very important for your health and also we are going to share with you some of the best natural remedies with turmeric benefits for your bodies over all health.  What is turmeric ? Inflorescence Of Turmeric Turmeric is a flowering plant from the ginger family it's rhizome uses as a spice. The Turmeric is mostly found in the Asia and in the Asia most dominant in the Indian subcontinents . It has been used from thousands of years in the Indian Ayurvedic culture and also in Indian cooking as a spice. It is also known because of its medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory,anti-oxident, antiviral , anti -septic, antimicrobial, etc. It has played major roll in Indian Ayurveda, Unani medicines,Chinese traditional medicines and also in Siddha medicines. The main active ingredient in the tur

Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree.

Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree (Azadiracta indica ) :  Here we are going to give you some of the valuable information about Neem Tree such as Medicinal uses of Neem Leaves,Medicinal uses of Neem Stem,Medicinal uses of Neem Bark, Medicinal uses of Neem Root,Medicinal uses of Neem oil,etc. ➤ Importance Of Neem ( A.indica ) : The Neem is a plant of health, as we know it has been used from ancient period in Indian Ayurveda tr for curing various diseases because of its medicinal properties. There is description given in a Ayurveda text "Charak Sanhita"   for its medicinal uses it had coined Neem tree as "Arishta" . As we know it has proven now that Neem tree has enormous medicinal properties such as antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and also pesticidal ,etc becuase of that many of the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries now using a Neem tree for the production of various cosmetics and medi

Do You Know These Most Amazing Benefits Of Garlic ?

The Most Amazing Benefits Of Garlic : Here I am going to share most amazing benefits of Garlic which will help you to stay healthy and also get cure from diseases. The Most Amazing Benefits Of Garlic ➤ As we know the garlic is most popular ingredient in our food , but do you know that Garlic is also famous for its medicinal properties and has been used from ancient period in Indian Ayurveda. It is use to cure several diseases lets talk about its benefits how can you use Garlic as a Ayurvedic medicine to stay healthy and get rid of from several diseases. So lets get started ! 🎯 Get Rid Of From Headache : Many of the times people causes headache due to high stress on body , mental stress , busy work schedule, or due to heat also and in this situation what people actually does they go to the clinic or take some painkillers, but do they actually k