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20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric !

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric !

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric :

Today we are going to give you the information about 20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric which are very important for your health and also we are going to share with you some of the best natural remedies with turmeric benefits for your bodies over all health. 

What is turmeric ?

Inflorescence Of Turmeric

Turmeric is a flowering plant from the ginger family it's rhizome uses as a spice. The Turmeric is mostly found in the Asia and in the Asia most dominant in the Indian subcontinents . It has been used from thousands of years in the Indian Ayurvedic culture and also in Indian cooking as a spice. It is also known because of its medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory,anti-oxident, antiviral , anti -septic, antimicrobial, etc. It has played major roll in Indian Ayurveda, Unani medicines,Chinese traditional medicines and also in Siddha medicines. The main active ingredient in the turmeric is curcumin which prevent cancer and many researches shows that curcumin has anti-cancer properties. Turmeric also plays very important roll in the Indian Wedding Rituals. It has tremendous amount of potential to cure some diseases and hence it has been used in many Home Remedies also. It is also famous as Golden Spice Of India.

Now you have gotten an idea about what is turmeric actually so now we are going to share with you 20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric that are as follows.

1 Immunity Booster : 

Food for immunity booster

As we told before turmeric has  antiviral properties because of that it is used as a immunity booster it boosts immunity and helps to prevent seasonal flu.You just have to drink Milk and Turmeric before bed in the night everyday.

2 To Get Rid Of From Fever :

Home remedies for fever

The normal fever can be cure with the help of Turmeric Milk but also adding some more ingredients such as Cinnamon, Dry Ginger,Cloves and 1 or 2 pinch of Turmeric add in the milk boil it for some time and then drink it before sleep in the night.

3 To Cure Cough : 

Remedies for cough

Many of us faces cough problem atleast once in a month becuase of certain changes in the weather or in the habits and it impacts very much on our daily lives but after this Home Remedy you dont need to worry about it . Here you just need to follow same procedure which we have given in the previous benefit .

4 Healing Wounds :

The wound healing process

Yes you can also use Turmeric for healing wounds because of its anti-septic property it prevents further effects on the wounds and helps for healing the wounds early.  You just have to add some coconut oil in it make a paste and apply it on the wounds with the help of cotton atleast for a week and you will be amaze after watching the results it actually works try it .

5 Body Pain :

Home remedies for body pain

So as we have told you before Turmeric has a anti-inflammatory property and because of that you can use it to cure the body pain. Just take Hot Turmeric milk in the night before sleep. Next morning you will feel fresh and active.

6 Benefits For Skin :

Healthy skin

➣ Oily Skin :

Most of people in the world who has oily skin faces many of the problems such as pimples, acne and Blackheads.
This happens due to the excess amount of oil in the skin. For maintain it the Turmeric and Lemon water with sandalwood is the best home remedy. You have to make a paste of it with adding little amount of water and use it as a mask keep it on face for atleast 20 min and then rinse it with cold water do this 3 times a week and see the result.

➣ Dry Skin : 

Dry skin is also one of the skin problem which causes redness,cracking and inflammation and for this also Turmeric is a best solution. For treating dry skin Turmeric and Honey is the best home remedy .Make a paste of Honey and Turmeric and then use it as a face mask for 3 days a week.

➣ Acne, Pimple And Scars : 

Now this is a most common problem among the young generation and most of us cannot afford the high quality face creams, Treatments and cosmetics for them we are going to share a best Natural Remedy. Take a pinch of Turmeric then add some Desi Ghee in it depend on how much you need ? Mix it well take small amount of it and apply it one the face before bed in the night. In the morning wash it with a facewash whichever you have.

7 For Hair :

Hair loss

Most of the people faces the problem of hairfall and dandruff it has many reasons but we are not going to talk about reasons we are here for solutions. Have you heard this before the use of Turmeric for hair health ? Yes many of problems can sure with the help of Turmeric and hair problem also you jsut have to add some turmeric in the raw coconut oil and appply the mixture on the scalp and hairs for better results do this atleast for month twice in week.

8 Prevention Of Cancer :

Cancer care

Turmeric has a major ingredient that is curcumin and curcumin shows anti- cancer property therefore the Turmeric can be also use for cancer prevention. It can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

9 To Get Rid Of From Depression : 

Depression natural care

The curcumin plays vital roll in decresing the stress level and depression . Majority of people faces the problem with their sleep it can be also cure with the help of Turmeric. Just drink one glass of Turmeric milk every night before sleep and see the result.

10 Turmeric For Teeth And Gums :

Helathy gums

Majority of people in the world face the problem of gum bleeding, teeth pain, cavities and so on. Have you ever tried Turmeric for these problems ? Nope ! Then here we go you can cure these problems with the help of Turmeric you just have to make a paste of Turmeric,Rock salt and mustard oil and brush your teeth with this paste also apply this paste on your gums if you having problem with it do this 3 times a week for a month for better result.

11 Fungal Infection :


May be this is surprising for you but yes you can use Turmeric to cure fungal infections also because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties it prevents the further spreading of of fungi and helps to inhibit the growth also. You just have to make a paste of Turmeric , camphor and coconut oil and appply it on the infected area regularly atleast for a month then you will see the result.

12 Headache And Migraines :

Headache and migraines

Worlds 1 to 4 % of population having a headache atleast for 15 days and 30 % of people in that suffers from a migraines it has various reasons for this such as stress,hot weather,mental health,physical health ,sleeping posture,neck tension and many more . In this Turmeric shows effective results because of the curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxident properties which helps to get rid of from headache and migraines.

13 High Cholesterol :

High cholesterol

High cholesterol in the blood shows many adverse effects on the body and also leads to the blood clotting, heart attack and stroke also. For treating High Cholesterol level in blood Turmeric is effective remedy. Reserches has shown that curcumin act as a anticoagulant (blood thinner) which can help in the treatment of High Cholesterol.

14 Menstrual Problems :

Problem of menstrual cycle

14 to 25 percent of women's population face the mentrual
Problems all over the world such as irregular periods and menstrual cramps. For thses problems taking painkillers can be dangerous for health so we have a Menstrual Pain Home Remedy by using haldi. Hot Turmeric milk is very useful during the periods and also for regular periods and Turmeric milk also reducess the Menstrual Pain.

15 Hyperpigmentation :


Hyperpigmentation is an skin condition in which skin turns darker than its normal colour which causes due to much exposure to the sunlight and increase in melanin . It can be easily cure by the help of Turmeric because it contains antioxidants and Glutathione which helps to reduce Hyperpigmentation.

16 Improve Liver Function :

Liver health

Turmeric contains many antioxidants and it helps to remove toxins from the body and due to that limited and regular consumption of Turmeric improves liver function also.

17 Sore Throat : 

Sore throat and toungh

After cold or in the cold many of the people faces the problem of sore throat which causes pain or irritation in the throat . It can also cure by the help of Turmeric you have to take some warm water then add pinch of Turmeric in it and Rock salt and gargel with it.

18 Increase Testosterone : 


This is little bit surprising fact that Turmeric also helps to increase testesterote level but yes some studies actually shows that curcumin shows decrease in estrogen level and increase in Testosterone but further studies has to be done yet.

19 Urinary Tract Infection :


However uninary tract infection is cure by the help of antibiotics but the Turmeric is an additional major in it to help to cure UTI . Beacuase of Turmeric contains curcumin it has anti inflammatory property which helps to prevent bladder infection and also fight with it.

20 Improves Brain Function :

Brain Function

Curcumin plays vital roll in prevention and cure of Alzheimer's disease . Curcumin as an antioxidant and anti inflammatory improves the cognitive function in Alzheimer's patient .

Side Effects :

Consume more than 1000 miligrams per day can cause various side effect on body such as 

1 Stomach upset 

2 stomach ulcers

3 Increase in acidity

Precautions : 

Pregnant women should strictly avoid all of these remedies and uses of Turmeric which has given above .

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric !

20 Health Benefits Of Turmeric !

We are  hoping that this "20 Benefits Of Turmeric" will help you . Thank you !


Unknown said…
Mahesh Jadhav said…
How do you take turmeric its depend on that is your taking it regularly then change the manner or quantity it will help you.

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