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Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree.

Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree
Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree

Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree (Azadiracta indica ) : 

Here we are going to give you some of the valuable information about Neem Tree such as Medicinal uses of Neem Leaves,Medicinal uses of Neem Stem,Medicinal uses of Neem Bark, Medicinal uses of Neem Root,Medicinal uses of Neem oil,etc.

➤ Importance Of Neem (A.indica) :

The Neem is a plant of health, as we know it has been used from ancient period in Indian Ayurveda tr for curing various diseases because of its medicinal properties. There is description given in a Ayurveda text "Charak Sanhita"  for its medicinal uses it had coined Neem tree as "Arishta". As we know it has proven now that Neem tree has enormous medicinal properties such as antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and also pesticidal ,etc becuase of that many of the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries now using a Neem tree for the production of various cosmetics and medicines also. Neem plants are widely available in south asia this plant can easily grow in poor conditions also. It is a great source of oxygen and    vitamin E. Now we will see various Medicinal Properties Of Neem Plant as follows.

➤ Medicinal Uses Of Neem Leaves :

Medicinal Uses Of Neem Leaves

As we know the Neem leaves having a properties like antimicrobial,antifungal, and antibacterial. It can cure various diseases such as :

1 Eczema , Dermatitis :  Eczema and Dermatitis are skin conditions which happens due to the fungal growth on body it shows coloured patches on particular parts of body and causes inflammation and irritation in skin and because of that there are chances of spreading it all over on the body.  It can be treated with the help of Neem Leaves and its effective remedy to prevent further growth of fungi. You just have to make a paste of leaves and apply it on affected area on regular basis atleast for a month to get a best results.

2 Dandruff In Hair :   Yes dandruff can also prevent with the help of Neem leaves as you can see many of the cosmetics now using a Neem leaves extract in their cosmetic production and you can also use it for treating dandruff. You have to boil the neem leaves in a 1 litre water make it 3/4 th of the initial amount and then apply it all over the scalp and hair and leave it for 10 to 15 min then rinse it with cold water do this twice or thrice a week depend on dandruff.

3 Pimple and Acne :  Neem leaves contains antibacterial properties becuase of that in inhibits and prevent the growth of bacteria on skin becuase of this it is also useful to treat pimples and acne on face. As we see youth is mainly facing this problem nowadays so this is best home remedy and alternative for the costly cosmetics and skin care products. You just have to make a pest of leaves and apply it for 10 min 3 times a week and see the result.

4 For Blood Purification :  Due to the busy schedule nowadays people can't take appropriate care of their health and also a good diet and due to the unhealthy lifestyle they suffers from a various diseases and body disfunctions , and it ultimately impact on their blood circulation and quality. Due to heavy stress of work unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits people increases toxicity in their blood stream and after that face a severe problems. To remove the toxicity of blood and for purifying it the Neem leaves are the best alternative for medicine . You can consume 5 to 10 leaves on regular basis in morning on empty stomach for 5 to 7 days  a month it will take care of your blood . Otherwise you can take its extract also by grinding or boiling choice is yours.

5 For Reducing Body Heat :
Many of us know the problems of excessive heat in the body such as nausea, vomiting ,headache,fatigue and so on. For reduce the heat of body the Neem leaves are the best remedy same like we use the method in blood purification how to consume the leaves applied over here also. Just take one precaution as I told dont consume Neem leaves for more than 7 days. Because sometimes it shows side effects also.

➤ Medical Uses Of Neem Stem  :

Medical Uses Of Neem Stem

Same like leaves, Neem stem also has a great medicinal properties which is very useful for certain remedies.
Many of us listen and read on toth paste it contains Neem do we think why ? The reason is because of its antibacterial properties it prevents bacterial growth.It is useful in the following treatments :

1 Mouth Hygine : As everyone knows mouth hygine is one of the most important factor in our daily lives and if it is not done carefully we face many problems of mouth like Gum bleeding , Cavities in teeths, mouth ulcer,etc If you face problems like this it can cure by the help of Neem stem you just have to chew it everyday in morning before brushing and you will never face problems like this.

2 Increases Metabolism :
Yes this is a shocking fact about the Neem stem but it is true you can improve your metabolism with the help of Neem stem. You have to grind the stem and make a powder of it and consume it in warm water everyday in the morning on empty stomach. It also helps in blood purification.

Medicinal Uses Of Neem Bark :

Medicinal Uses Of Neem Bark :

Every part of a Neem tree has its unique medicinal properties and plays vital roll in various remedies and curing diseases. The Neem bark is useful in treating following.

1 Skin diseases : Same like leaves of neem bark has same properties like antimicrobial ,antifungal and antibacterial it can use for cure of skin diseases just using extract of it. You have to apply on affected area it is also effective for acne and pimples.

2 Healing wound  : Yes you can use the bark for treating wounds and burns with the Bark of Neem your wounds will be heal very quickly. You need to roast a bark and then grind it and make a powder and then add some coconut oil or you can use a Neem oil also make  paste and apply on wounds with cotton .

3  Stomach PainStomach pain can cure with the Neem bark just dry the bark and make powder of it then drink it in warm water and take whenever you will have pain in stomach.

Medicinal Uses Of Neem Oil And Neem Seeds :

➤ Medicianal Uses Of  Neem oil and Neem Seeds :

Actually Neem oil is obtained from the seeds so we have put both in the same category and both has combined medical uses.Neem oil is obatined from the Neem seeds by "Cold Press Method". Neem oil has pesticidal properties becuase of that many pesticidal products contain Neem oil it protects crops from pests. It also protect Food grains from pest. Neem oil also a major ingredient in Pet care products it protects Pet Animals from various skin diseases  and pests. You can directly use  raw neem oil on pets it has no side effects. Neem seed can be also use for pest control and its powder also very effective remedy in "Malaria". 

➤ Medical Uses Of Neem Root :

 Medical Uses Of Neem Root

Neem bark has antibacterial an antimicrobial properties because of that it is very effective to cure acne and pimple you have to apply its extract on affected area on regular basis and see the result after one month you will get amazed .

Now you have all the information of "Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree". We have shared and covered all the plant parts and their medicinal uses such as Neem Leaves, Neem Stem ,Neem Bark, Neem Root, Neem Seeds ,Neem oil ,etc.

Precaution : Pregnant ladies should not use any of these remedies during pregnancy.

Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree
Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree

Hope you like our information about "Medicinal Importance Of Neem Tree". Don't be cheap to share this valuable information with your friends and family.
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Unknown said…
Good job bro keep it up...

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